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Meet Alexandria

Something my Abuelita used to say to me was, “Ingrata, cara de gata!." Translation: Ungrateful girl with the face of a cat. She would insist I was being ungrateful whenever I would concern myself with social injustices instead of being content with what I had. After all, I had it so much better than my ancestors and billions of people around the world. But that’s not enough to get me to sit quietly. I decided to name this blog in the spirit of being a modern-day racial minority and woman who isn’t satisfied with “good enough."

Helpful F.A.Q.

Shouldn't we promote Colorblindness?

Colorblindness is the belief that ignoring race and treating everyone equally will solve issues of racism and discrimination. However, this approach ignores the reality of systemic racism and the ways in which race affects people's lives. It is important to acknowledge and address the effects of racism in order to challenge and fix the system.

What do you mean by Anglo-Conformity?

Anglo-conformity is the idea that immigrants should assimilate to Anglo-American culture, including language, values, and customs. This concept has been used to justify discrimination against non-Anglo immigrants and has contributed to the perpetuation of systemic racism in the United States. It's essential to recognize and challenge the harmful effects of Anglo-conformity to create a more just and equitable society.

What's BIPOC & POC?

What's whiteness supposed to mean?

Whiteness refers to the societal norms and values that prioritize and center white people and culture, often at the expense of people of color.

BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. The term is used to acknowledge and center the experiences of Black and Indigenous people, who have been historically marginalized in the United States and face unique forms of discrimination and oppression. "POC" is a more general term that includes all people who are not white, but it does not specifically acknowledge the experiences of Black and Indigenous people. Using "BIPOC" helps to bring attention to the specific ways in which these groups have been and continue to be marginalized in society.

What do you mean by Anglo-Conformity?

What's whiteness supposed to mean?

Anglo-conformity is the idea that immigrants should assimilate to Anglo-American culture, including language, values, and customs. This concept has been used to justify discrimination against non-Anglo immigrants and has contributed to the perpetuation of systemic racism in the United States. It's essential to recognize and challenge the harmful effects of Anglo-conformity to create a more just and equitable society.

Whiteness refers to the societal norms and values that prioritize and center white people and culture, often at the expense of people of color.

BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. The term is used to acknowledge and center the experiences of Black and Indigenous people, who have been historically marginalized in the United States and face unique forms of discrimination and oppression. "POC" is a more general term that includes all people who are not white, but it does not specifically acknowledge the experiences of Black and Indigenous people. Using "BIPOC" helps to bring attention to the specific ways in which these groups have been and continue to be marginalized in society.

What is BIPOC & POC?

Colorblindness is the belief that ignoring race and treating everyone equally will solve issues of racism and discrimination. However, this approach ignores the reality of systemic racism and the ways in which race affects people's lives. It is important to acknowledge and address the effects of racism in order to challenge and fix the system.

Shouldn't we promote Colorblindness?

Empowering voices,
fostering understanding.

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