The Little Mermaid Controversy: What it Shows Us About Race in the USA

  1. Madison W says:

    Really enjoyed this post! Seeing representation in media is so important for everyone. As a human collective, when we see someone in the media who looks like us and is thriving, we can get a sense that their success could be our success on day. Creating a social narrative which believes “white” is the only way to be “right”, we’ve excluded so many other stories, voices, and representation. We put ourselves into a lack mentality by narrowing our scope and blocking out the beauty of diversity. Your comment about one day seeing POC as author, writer, director, doctor without Asian, Black, foreign, etc. beforehand is the vision; to see people for more than the color of their skin.

  2. Madison W says:

    Really enjoyed this post! Seeing representation in media is so important for everyone. As a human collective, when we see someone in the media who looks like us and is thriving, we can get a sense that their success could be our success one day. Creating a social narrative which believes “white” is the only way to be “right”, we’ve excluded so many other stories, voices, and representation. We put ourselves into a lack mentality by narrowing our scope and blocking out the beauty of diversity. Your comment about one day seeing POC as author, writer, director, doctor without Asian, Black, foreign, etc. beforehand is the vision; to see people for more than the color of their skin.

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